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Friday, June 29, 2018

Stamp and Die Organization

Need a Better Way to Store Your Stamps and Dies?

So, organization at times can be a struggle; especially when you have scraps of paper to save, lots of  12 x 12 paper collections...and ALL of the embellishments you bought to go with it, cardstock you need to sort by color, and we haven't even mentioned ALL THOSE STAMPS...and the dies that match them?  If you are like me, you want to be organized, but you just need a BETTER system...or may just a system because what you are doing right now- DOES. NOT. WORK!  LOL  Have no fear!!  We have some truly great ideas for you!!

But first check out the video that Hannah did showing us how to use a couple of different storage ideas that she found or great customers like you shared with her.  Then, check out the items that we carry below. I will have links to the items she is showing. Just click the tiles above the pictures...

We now have these new plastic sleeves in two different sizes. They are a heavy duty plastic and have lots of space. The larger size holds at least 15-20 sheets of 12x12 paper and the smaller sleeves are PERFECT to store metal die cuts and stamps so you can FINALLY keep the sets together.

                   Stamp/Die Sleeves 5 5/8"x7 3/8"- 10pk
Just $2.99 for a 10pk
Keep your Dies and Stamp together one on one side one on another.Add a sheet of magnet in the middle to keep your dies in place. A glue dot on the other side to keep your stamp in place really such a great way to keep these things organized and keep them from getting damaged. 

Advantus Weave Design Plastic Bin Small

Advantus Weave Design Plastic Bin Small

Just $3.99 for a 10 pk
 We all like to keep projects together. Here is a solution use these sleeves to keep projects together and or sets together. Keep the same colors of paper together or patterns,choose the way you like to organize and these will definitely work for you.  

These magnetic sheets are PERFECT to keep die cut sets together. Put it in the back of the plastic sleeve to keep store it with the matching stamp.

So, maybe the plastic sleeve storage option doesn't work for you or your room set up.  Here is another variation!

Use the larger Stampendous plastic storage solutions to help you to store your wood mounted rubber stamps. 

Stuftainers Storage Solutions- Thicker

And then use the thinest Stuftainers to store your metal dies and your stamps together...in one spot!!
Then, store them in a magazine holder and you are SET!!

Stuftainers Storage Solutions- THIN

Store your projects in these zipable file bags. 

Zip-A-File Bags 14"X13"- Blue

The Clear page sleeves fit in these paper holders below!!!  BONUS!

 (Just a little inside info on the July's Sales flier...the paper holders "just might" be be on sale. 

Darice Paper Holder- White

Darice Paper Holder- White

Darice Paper Holder- Teal

 Maybe you already have some awesome ideas of what you are going to use these for. If so let us know what you came up with. We love hearing your awesome Ideas!!! This can really help you to be the organized scrapbooker, card maker, crafter...or collector you have always wanted to be!! Bahahah!!

 Keep being awesome crafters!!!

The Doodlebug


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